Monday, October 15, 2007

From an am to a pro.. To Wii or not to Wii

Finally! After several agonizing but entertaining man hours (not to mention 3 days of sprained lower back) and several dead batteries later, I was able to achieve the status of a pro in tennis yesterday. In case you are wondering what I mean by dead batteries and a pro status, let me explain. I am talking about Wii Tennis on the Nintendo Wii. My Wii fitness age has also come down. Another super achievement. From a senile 64 (I didn't know that I was in such a bad physical shape. Scary!) to an amazing 32. I hope I can make it to 21 soon. The sprained back which I mentioned earlier was due to the fact that I tried some of those forehand shots with full vigor as if I was playing against Nadal. My fault completely. And another reason could have been that my back muscles never had to work this much ever. But that aside, the hours of fun the Wii's provided is almost the same as my other favorite, Railroad Tycoon 3. Super console.

Its been one whole month since I had this toy with me and I am not bored of it till date. That in itself speaks of volumes about this console. Usually, my attention span for anything that's new does not usually go beyond 2 hours starting from the time of purchase. At the time when I bought this game from Best Buy, I was not very sure about my decision and I was still wondering which one I should invest in. The choice was between XBox 360 or Nintendo Wii in that order. The PS3 was simply out of my budget. I had almost picked up the XBox. But the Wii was looking interesting from the reviews I had read. Also since I was moving (I was shopping while almost on my way to the airport), it was a less bulkier box to pick. The guy at the counter also promised that it would be money well spent on the Wii. If not I could always return it. But he was sure that I was not gonna return it. So I went ahead and bought it (patting myself that for the first time in my life I had bought something that had not crossed my budget). He was right. I'm not gonna return it. Money well spent. Every hour of Wii has been extremely rewarding. The Nunchuk remote is cool too! And I needn't vouch for it. Other gaming officionados have written pages and pages about it. I don't want to add any further.

So if you have a limited budget and you are not into gaming consoles like I am (I mean if you are not a hardcore gaming fan) and not an outdoor sportsperson like I am, nor an extrovert like I am, then I guess its the Wii for you. Trust me, everyone in your family will love it and you might have a hard time getting your hands on the Wii remote. Wii have come to play :)

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