Monday, April 27, 2009

Weathering a Tough Season

It has been a very busy last two weeks. The previous weekend started off in a waiting room of a hospital. In fact I was in hospital on the polling day. And I'm not happy. Waiting rooms of hospitals always have an eerie air about them, at least for me. There is something about hospitals that gives you both hope and despair at the same time. And the waiting gets to you if one of your loved ones (in this case my Dad) is undergoing treatment. Anyways, after a very brief stint and with good treatment, my Dad’s back home again. Here I must thank the Docs and the nursing staff for his speedy recovery and also for restoring normalcy. Feels good to be back home. Both for him and for me.


And while all this happened, the mercury soared like the stock market indices of a bygone era (yea those days seem to have happened a long time ago indeed). Considering the heat wave this year, I am sure the meteorologists might have to come up with a new scale for measuring temperatures. Move over Fahrenheit and Celsius, these are the days of the global warming. Hope we get to celebrate the next Earth Day on a cooler day. From the temperatures predicted in (image posted above) looks like there is no respite at least for some time to come. So for the rest of this summer, I will step outside only as a last resort. Until then, I’ll try to do something useful such as working on my assignments. At least that way I can make up for the lost time. Isn’t there any recession for hot summers?

Speaking of recession, workwise, recession has finally caught up with us. It was heartbreaking to find that some of the folks I knew got the pink slips. I just hope they find something fast and have a great future ahead.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Upset? Me? You've got to be kidding.. yea right.

Its one of those days again when something inside me has snapped and I have got extremely testy. During this time, my temper sits on a powder keg that has an extremely short fuse and at a slight pull of a trigger, there is a gradual transformation in me from a meek Dr. Jekyll to a monstrous Mr. Hyde. Uh.. its not a gradual transformation. It explodes fast enough to put off anyone who happens to be having the bad luck of being in the same room as I am at that moment.

Most of the times, I try to keep my emotions well under check and even have a smile pasted on my face in a hot situation to keep things from blowing up. I'm even chivalrous to a fault. But when I'm Mr. Hyde, its a different story altogether. No man or no woman (kids are luckier because I feel that children should not be exposed to such bad behavior) is spared. Its like a rhino rampage in a china shop. I'm surprised at my own behavior when I think about it afterwards. But by then, its a tad late. Things get snapped to a breaking point. But I try to apologize and make up. Its tough (to apologize), but its better to make amends then live with it. Needless to say, its very damaging.

At other times, I simply get furious at some one-off incident that would have happened ages ago and purse my lips till the point my teeth start to bite into them. Ferociously furious, I must say. And then it passes off. Don't know what triggers these volatile memories. I really must put a lid on them or start looking at the funny side of them.

So, when some of my buddies say that they have not seen me lose my temper, I murmur Ethan Hunt's memorable quote from 'Mission Impossible', "you have never seen me very upset." Or, for a change (depends on the day of the week), I use Bruce Banner's quip, "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." from 'The Hulk'. Nice lines, those.

Anyways, to cut the long story short, I'm pretty bad at anger management and equally bad at swallowing a tantrum when I am upset. I mean when I am very upset that is.

Thankfully, my bouts of upset mode are far and few and I would like to make them much farther and fewer before I gnash my teeth to bone dust and rip my remaining hair out. Small things upset me or at least used to upset me. But nowadays as experience is tutoring me, I'm getting more thick-skinned and ignoring the smaller irritants. Nevertheless, I still don't want to be known as Captain Haddock (from those favorite Tintin comics) who's not had his dose of Loch Lomond whisky that day. So, I am in search for that elusive elixir that will keep my temper in check. I'm still searching and I have promised myself that I'll find it someday, for everyone's sake.

So as a part of this quest, I google sites that say that they help or give free advice on how to control one's "negative" emotions. I've found a good one in (American Psychological Association). It has some nice and basic tips, nothing that hotheads like me have not heard of before but effective nevertheless. Or so say the Psychologists. Some of these tips are:

- Breathe deeply, from your diaphragm; breathing from your chest won't relax you. Picture your breath coming up from your "gut."

- Slowly repeat a calm word or phrase such as "relax," "take it easy." Repeat it to yourself while breathing deeply.

- Use imagery; visualize a relaxing experience, from either your memory or your imagination.

- Nonstrenuous, slow yoga-like exercises can relax your muscles and make you feel much calmer.

I will try to remember them the next time I begin to morph into Mr. Hyde (Eeeaaaargh, get that thing off me!). This way I hope that Dr. Hyde stays firmly in control. Till the time I master my zen and memorize APA's tips, some more china shops will get in the way of those rampaging rhinos. I just hope this modern china is really unbreakable as they advertise.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

To Power Without Power

And as the elections near, the speeches get more and more promising. And more entertaining. The great Indian democratic machinery has to be woken up from deep slumber after five years to ensure that the common man votes for the leader of his choice. Suddenly the Election Commission becomes the most important organization for the entire country. Not bad, I must say, after all, we still have democracy dictating the terms in this country.

This morning, I was reading the main page article in the newspaper that talked about one such speech given by a leader in a public meeting. The message given was, we are the wheels of progress and we promise progress along with social justice. What made the whole thing funny was the fact I was reading all this in a candlelight. Yea, in candlelight because of a regular power outage we have during that time. 

Power outages for hours - because there is an acute shortage of power - still makes you wonder about the progress that's been made by the elected governments. The situation's worse in villages and small towns where the power is out for hours together. So, just like all other years previously, power has become a major factor this election year too. In the past, governments have fallen after police fired at people who were protesting about the power situation. Power begets power. But the converse need not be true. I must say that the issue of power scarcity has been a major concern for almost since 3 or 4 elections that I remember. And it is still alive or at least comes to life during the elections. Even after so many years of "progress", there are some things about the political system that still nag you. They nag you so bad that you feel that we are progressing backwards as the rest of the world is moving forward.

The more I think about it, the more backwards I have to travel in time. To the days where we had something called the "load shedding", a term which the state-owned electricity companies invented to switch-off power during the nights, days and whenever other times possible for hours together. Why? Because they were not ready to admit that there was a power shortage situation the state could not solve. The state would not allow private sector to step in to help strengthen the grid. Private enterprises would mean a capitalist fleecing the common public with high rates for the power he generated and sold. Power was a state-owned business and nobody but the public was supposed to benefit. 

Noble thoughts indeed, but easier said than done. The power companies though established with good intentions were also inefficient in many ways. And no one benefited from their inefficiency. Well, having said that, to be honest, some did benefit, by stealing power from the power transmission lines and they still do. Some even stole the high-tension transmission wires because they were made of copper (subsequently the wires were changed to Aluminium which is not as good a conductor as copper is and results in massive power losses during transmission). So the people, who paid, also paid for the power that was stolen by others. And the wires too. It’s common news even today that some industries and residences steal power to save on huge electricity bills. Some of the politicians themselves have been indicted for such activities. 

Power is such an irresistible topic for elections, that you can’t help but keep the issue alive. Thankfully, with better sense prevailing, the governments have been able to involve private enterprises in power generation. Though this is coming at a cost, at least we are plugging the holes that would otherwise weaken the progress.

While all this happens, it will still be sometime before I can stop buying candles. Till that time, I will be reading about the ridiculous speeches on progress, development and modernization under candlelight. More about progress later.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Assignments and Elections '09

Finally, I have been able to complete my Financial Insights assignments. 3 down, 7 to go. Of course, the project involved a little help from my sis and Especially The project overshot by a month. But it was well worth it. Now I can make some sense out of WACC, NPV, Debt-equity, blah, blah. I now hope that I get to use all these terms in one sentence and still make some sense one day. Meanwhile, the push has come to a shove and the rest of the assignments need to be finished too. I hope I will be able to breeze thru them. Yeah right!

While I struggle with my own little monsters hiding under my bed, the countdown to Elections '09 has begun and the campaign of each party is heating up. Every other ad or for that matter every ad on TV is that of a political party. I have never seen such spate of political ads on TV before. And there is no respite with news channels either. And if you shut the TV, there's always the SMSes on mobile. There's no escaping from them. One thing I can say for sure is that these parties are definitely getting media savvy and leaders are becoming more photogenic. Hope they become incorruptible too. Sigh! Wishful thinking. I just hope we have a better government this time. Let there be light. And let reason prevail.

2018 - Thattathin Marayathu to '96 and an Apple Watch

The title of this post kind of sums up my 2018. I admit that I have been quite irregular updating my blog for the past few years. Having ...