I just love these watch ads on print. The Swiss ones especially. "XXXXXXXX, Geneve, Swiss Made". Fill the XXXXXXXX with the name of your favorite Swiss watch. Different variations but essentially the same theme. Makes one feel that watchmaking is a cottage industry in Geneva. Which might well be the case. Almost all the brands' ads feel similar. Some show timepieces in such an enticing way that it might easily drive a person into becoming an obsessive watch addict. Put in a male celebrity in a black jacket (or a female one in a cocktail gown as the case maybe) and put a watch on their wrist. Some other brands show golf and tennis celebrities having a ball of a time wearing an expensive timepiece from the watchmaker's collection. While the dial's big enough to stand out like a neon sign, they try to make it as subtle as possible by focusing on the successful celebrity. Very understated. Very hush hush. It feels as if they are advertising some feminine care product (which, I must have to say are not so discreet these days).
There's a new James Bond movie. Which means Omega is going to throw all discreet stuff out of the window to make sure you know James Bond's timepiece of choice (the Omega Seamaster, just in case you didn't know) no matter in whichever corner of earth you are hiding. I am sure you must be familiar with the ad by now. Mr. Bond is tactfully holding a gun in such a way that the jacket and shirt cuffs move up to reveal the face of an expensive watch adorning the wrist of one of the most famous leading men on earth (or movies) with the byline "007's watch of choice" or something like that. You get the feeling that if you were lucky to get into the MI6 or 5 or whatever, you'd get a nicely cut suit and a Swiss watch as standard issues, which unfortunately, is not the case. But for all that advertising, I am sure the watch sells. I know. I know because I gifted myself a Swiss watch with my first full-time job's first paycheck (every cent of it went into the watch and I survived on borrowed bread and water for the next two months). What I didn't know at that time was that these watches were not as strong and rugged as they were made out to be. So though I didn't do any double somersaults or jump off planes without a parachute or go sailing in Monaco, within six months, my new shiny steel watchband was all scratched up. But despite that, the watch was worth it. It felt nice wearing something that cool. I didn't mind going on a diet for the next 30 days. But now I knew why Commander bond always wears a full sleeved shirt when he has a Swiss watch on. Q might allow James to bang up a couple of Aston Martins (no, again they are not standard issues in MI6, or 5 or whatever) in every new assignment, but will not tolerate even a microscopic scratch on his Swiss watch. That would amount to gross misconduct in Q's rule book. So the next time you buy an expensive Swiss watch, make sure you wear it when you are wearing your Sunday best. On other days, better wear your $20.00 Timex which you bought in that Thanksgiving sale. That's what I do. OK, Let's leave it at that.

I recently came across another ad that takes the cake. This one is for Swatch and is also related to the new James Bond movie. Now, before you start thinking that James Bond has gone shopping for cheap stuff because of the economic downturn, let me explain. His watch continues to be Omega Seamaster (recession be damned!). The Swatch watch (I like the sound of that) I am talking about is worn by the villain. Now that's what I call a flash of genius. Since the leading man is already tied to another brand by contractual obligations, get the next most important man in the movie, the villain to endorse for your product. They even have a website listing the "007 Villain Collection" (http://www.swatch007villains.com). I never knew that the Bond Villains also had their own preference for watches. Or, maybe they chose Swatch simply because it kept more accurate time than all those handmade automatics (I meant watches, not guns) and costed a fractionth of the price. After all, for these supervillains, time was of essence and every second counted while their diabolical minds planned to take over the world. Whereas for Mr. Bond, he'd get into action only after downing a few martinis, checking out some local beauties and getting almost killed. Talk about lethargy. A few seconds here and there wouldn't matter. That heavy slab of metal called Omega tied to your wrist can really restrict your movements. I also see another reason for Swatch being the Villains' choice. The watches are quite funky and over the top, just like the villains' personalities. Cool. My next watch is going to be a Swatch.
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