Some days are just not yours. They squeeze you out like an orange and just suck out every ounce of energy from you. At the end of it, if you still keep your cool then you must start a monastery in the Himalayas or take sessions in Anger Management. You know what I mean. Yea, bad days. They can be so .. ummm.. bad! Just like the one Daniel Powter described in his song. Nice song but incredibly difficult to put into practice.
Research says that you have a bad day if you don't get adequate sleep. Either if you have woken up early or slept late (basically lack of sleep makes you nasty). In my case it started with both. I slept late AND woke up early. Not my doing but the weather just didn't like me being cuddled up in my bed for long. It all started with me going to bed with this unputdownable thriller. One of my vices is reading late into the night if I get a good book in my hands. I find this blissful as its quite quiet and it doesn't take much effort to concentrate with all the silence around. With the novel in my hand, I forget that there is this thing called time warp which does a number on your brain and you lose the sense of time. So by the time I looked at my watch the little hand had traveled twice around the dial after it had stuck 12. Time for me to sleep. I woke up after what I felt was only 5 minutes. It was 4:30 am. Time warp thing again. The rest is history I'd love to forget. The whole day was spent nursing a dull headache and listening (my ear plugs were nowhere to be found even after a frantic search) to an all day classical music lesson marathon which one of my unkindly neighbors had taken up for their pastime (I guess they are into research and experimentation on waging some kind of musical warfare on humans just like one of those chemical warfare things) just on the day when I decide to work from home. And then the daily Sudoku in the newspaper which I tried went awry. This was followed by interviews with a couple of guys who felt (or knew) that they knew more than I did. Downright rude! How I hate such kinda guys! They had picked up a wrong day to mess with me. I rejected them with the same amount of ruthlessness as Lex Luthor would use to kill Superman. Rather unkind of me but I am allowed to throw some meanness back at the big bad world that's been hurled at me by it. The only bright (or should I say a least painful) thing that happened was the spectacular crashing of the Stock Market (seems to be a record of sorts and people are calling it the Black Monday). Right after the day I had invested in some stock with my hard earned money! The stock is now at 75% of the price at which I bought. Sweet. I guess I should just kick my late night novel reading habit and wake up well after the Sun rises. Hope that brings some sanity back to my life. Let me try at least. Sweet dreams. Tomorrow's another day.
Non sequitur: I found this nice poster while browsing some site (courtesy: Though I don't look like that guy even by a long shot the pic's a near accurate description of how I felt the whole day today. Shoot those darned demons lurking anywhere around.
Cause you had a bad day
You're taking one down
You sing a sad song just to turn it around
Excerpt from "Bad Day" by Daniel Powter